Announcement of Joint ESCAP/UEMS/EFPT Training Day and ESCAP Expert Day

Dear fellow Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists,

Together with ESCAP and the EFPT we are organizing a training Day on June 24th

Trainees can participate for free when they register for the Expert Day on June 25th for 60-80 euros they can attend both days.

For those unable to attend the 25th, there is also an option to register for the 24th at no cost.

Training Day – ESCAP, UEMS-CAP, EFPT: 24th June 2021

For Trainers and senior CAP colleagues, we would like to recommend the interesting program of the ESCAP Expert Day on June 25th.

ESCAP Expert Day-Changing perspectives: 25th June 2021

Best regards and hoping to meet online on one of both days,


Sue Bailey, President UEMS-CAP Section

Peter Deschamps, President of the Board of Education of UEMS-CAP Section


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BUP-DK er medlem af Organisationen af Lægevidenskabelige Selskaber (LVS, tidl. DMS) og er tilsluttet European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP).

Medlemskabet koster 1600,- kr. årligt, heraf går 300,- kr. til medlemskab af FYP, for hvem det er relevant. Det første års medlemskab er gratis.